Source code for deid.config

__author__ = "Vanessa Sochat"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2016-2022, Vanessa Sochat"
__license__ = "MIT"

from deid.config.standards import actions, formats, sections
from deid.config.utils import get_deid, load_combined_deid, load_deid
from deid.logger import bot

[docs]class DeidRecipe: """ Create a deid recipe to filter and perform operations on a dicom header. Usage typically looks like: deid = 'dicom.deid' recipe = DeidRecipe(deid) If deid is None, the default provided by the application is used. Parameters ========== deid: the deid recipe (or recipes) files to use. If more than one is provided, should be done in order of preference for load (later in the list overrides earlier loaded). base: if True, load a default base (default_base) before custom default_base: the default base to load if "base" is True """ def __init__(self, deid=None, base=False, default_base="dicom"): # If deid is None, use the default if deid is None: base = True self._init_deid(deid, base=base, default_base=default_base) def __str__(self): return "[deid]" def __repr__(self): return "[deid]"
[docs] def load(self, deid): """ Load a deid recipe into the object. If a deid configuration is already defined, append to that. """ deid = get_deid(deid) if deid is not None: # Update our list of files self._files.append(deid) self.files = list(set(self.files)) # Priority here goes to additional deid self.deid = load_combined_deid([self.deid, deid])
def _get_section(self, name): """ Return a section (key) in the loaded deid, if it exists """ section = None if self.deid is not None: section = self.deid.get(name) return section # Get Sections
[docs] def get_format(self): """ Return the format of the loaded deid, if one exists """ return self._get_section("format")
def _get_named_section(self, section_name, name=None): """ Get a named section from the deid recipe. a helper function to return an entire section, or if a name is provided, a named section under it. If the section is not defined, we appropriately return None. """ section = self._get_section(section_name) if name is not None and section is not None: section = section.get(name, []) return section
[docs] def get_filters(self, name=None): """ Return all filters for a deid recipe, or a set based on a name """ return self._get_named_section("filter", name)
[docs] def get_values_lists(self, name=None): """ Return a values list by name """ return self._get_named_section("values", name)
[docs] def get_fields_lists(self, name=None): """ Return a values list by name """ return self._get_named_section("fields", name)
def _get_actions(self, action=None, field=None, section="header"): """ Handler for header or filemeta actions. """ header = self._get_section(section) or [] if header is not None: if action is not None: action = action.upper() header = [x for x in header if x["action"].upper() == action] if field is not None: field = field.upper() header = [x for x in header if x["field"].upper() == field] return header
[docs] def get_actions(self, action=None, field=None): """ Get deid actions to perform on a header, or a subset based on a type A header action is a list with the following: {'action': 'REMOVE', 'field': 'AssignedLocation'}, Parameters ========== action: if not None, filter to action specified field: if not None, filter to field specified """ return self._get_actions(action, field)
# Boolean properties def _has_list_content(self, name): return len(self.deid.get(name, [])) > 0
[docs] def has_fields_lists(self): return self._has_list_content("fields")
[docs] def has_values_lists(self): return self._has_list_content("values")
[docs] def has_actions(self): return self._has_list_content("header")
# Listing
[docs] def listof(self, section): """ Return a list of keys for a section """ listing = self._get_section(section) or {} return list(listing.keys())
[docs] def ls_filters(self): return self.listof("filter")
[docs] def ls_valuelists(self): return self.listof("values")
[docs] def ls_fieldlists(self): return self.listof("fields")
# Init def _init_deid(self, deid=None, base=False, default_base="dicom"): """ Initialize a recipe. initialize the recipe with one or more deids, optionally including the default. This function is called at init time. If you need to add or work with already loaded configurations, use add/remove Parameters ========== deid: the deid recipe (or recipes) files to use. If more than one is provided, should be done in order of preference for load (later in the list overrides earlier loaded). default_base: load the default base before the user customizations. """ if deid is None: deid = [] if not isinstance(deid, list): deid = [deid] if base is True: deid.append(default_base) self._files = deid if len(deid) == 0:"You can add custom deid files with .load().") self.deid = load_combined_deid(deid)