Source code for deid.dicom.pixels.clean

__author__ = "Vanessa Sochat"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2016-2022, Vanessa Sochat"
__license__ = "MIT"

import math
import os
import random
import re
import sys
from typing import Optional

import matplotlib
import numpy
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from pydicom import read_file
from pydicom.pixel_data_handlers.util import get_expected_length

from deid.config import DeidRecipe
from deid.dicom import utils
from deid.logger import bot
from deid.utils import get_temporary_name


from matplotlib import pyplot as plt  # noqa

bot.level = 3

[docs]class DicomCleaner: """ Clean a dicom file of burned pixels. take an input dicom file, check for burned pixels, and then clean, with option to save / output in multiple formats. This object should map to one dicom file, and the usage flow is the following: cleaner = DicomCleaner() summary = cleaner.detect(dicom_file) cleaner.clean() """ def __init__( self, output_folder=None, add_padding=False, margin=3, deid=None, font=None, force=True, ): if output_folder is None: output_folder = get_temporary_name(prefix="clean") if font is None: font = self.default_font() self.font = font self.cmap = "gray" self.output_folder = output_folder self.recipe = DeidRecipe(deid) self.results = None self.force = force self.dicom_file: Optional[str] = None self.cleaned: Optional[NDArray] = None
[docs] def default_font(self): """ Get the default font to use for a title. define the font style for saving png figures if a title is provided """ return {"family": "serif", "color": "darkred", "weight": "normal", "size": 16}
[docs] def detect(self, dicom_file): """ Initiate the cleaner for a new dicom file. """ from deid.dicom.pixels.detect import has_burned_pixels self.results = has_burned_pixels( dicom_file, deid=self.recipe.deid, force=self.force ) self.dicom_file = dicom_file return self.results
[docs] def clean( self, fix_interpretation: bool = True, pixel_data_attribute: str = "PixelData" ) -> Optional[NDArray]: if not self.results: bot.warning( "Use %s.detect() with a dicom file to find coordinates first." % self ) return"Scrubbing %s." % self.dicom_file) self.cleaned = clean_pixel_data( dicom_file=self.dicom_file, results=self.results, fix_interpretation=fix_interpretation, pixel_data_attribute=pixel_data_attribute, ) return self.cleaned
[docs] def get_figure(self, show=False, image_type="cleaned", title=None): """ Get a figure for an original or cleaned image. If the image was already clean, it is simply a copy of the original. If show is True, plot the image. If a 4d image is discovered, we use randomly choose a slice. """ if hasattr(self, image_type): _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6)) # Retrieve full image image = getattr(self, image_type) # Handle 4d data by choosing one dimension if len(image.shape) == 4: channel = random.choice(range(image.shape[3])) bot.warning( "Image detected as 4d, will sample channel %s and middle slice" % channel ) image = image[math.floor(image.shape[0] / 2), :, :, channel] ax.imshow(image, cmap=self.cmap) if title is not None: plt.title(title, fontdict=self.font) if show is True: return plt
def _get_clean_name(self, output_folder, extension="dcm"): """ Get path to a cleaned output file. Return a full path to an output file, with custom folder and extension. If the output folder isn't yet created, make it. Parameters ========== output_folder: the output folder to create, will be created if doesn't exist. extension: the extension of the file to create a name for, should not start with "." """ if output_folder is None: output_folder = self.output_folder if not os.path.exists(output_folder): bot.debug("Creating output folder %s" % output_folder) os.makedirs(output_folder) basename = re.sub("[.]dicom|[.]dcm", "", os.path.basename(self.dicom_file)) return "%s/cleaned-%s.%s" % (output_folder, basename, extension)
[docs] def save_png(self, output_folder=None, image_type="cleaned", title=None): """ Save an original or cleaned dicom as png to disk. Default image_format is "cleaned" and can be set to "original." If the image was already clean (not flagged) the cleaned image is just a copy of original. If a 4d image is provided, we save the dimension specified (or if not provided, a randomly chosen dimension). """ if hasattr(self, image_type): png_file = self._get_clean_name(output_folder, "png") plt = self.get_figure(image_type=image_type, title=title) plt.savefig(png_file) plt.close() return png_file else: bot.warning("use detect() --> clean() before saving is possible.")
[docs] def save_animation(self, output_folder=None, image_type="cleaned", title=None): """ Save an original or cleaned animation of a dicom. If there are not enough frames, then save_png should be used instead. """ if hasattr(self, image_type): from matplotlib import animation animation.rcParams["animation.writer"] = "ffmpeg" image = getattr(self, image_type) # If we have rgb, choose a channel if len(image.shape) == 4: channel = random.choice(range(image.shape[3])) bot.warning("Selecting channel %s for rendering" % channel) image = image[:, :, :, channel] # Now we expect 3D, we can animate one dimension over time if len(image.shape) == 3: movie_file = self._get_clean_name(output_folder, "mp4") # First set up the figure, the axis, and the plot element we want to animate fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(10, 6)) plt.close() ax.xlim = (0, image.shape[1]) ax.ylim = (0, image.shape[2]) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) img = ax.imshow(image[0, :, :].T, cmap="gray") img.set_interpolation("nearest") # The animation function should take an index i def animate(i): img.set_data(image[i, :, :].T) sys.stdout.flush() return (img,)"Generating animation...") anim = animation.FuncAnimation( fig, animate, frames=image.shape[0], interval=50, blit=True ) movie_file, writer="ffmpeg", fps=10, dpi=100, metadata={"title": title or "deid-animation"}, ) return movie_file else: bot.warning( "save_animation() is only for 4D data. Use save_png instead." ) else: bot.warning("use detect() --> clean() before saving is possible.")
[docs] def save_dicom(self, output_folder=None, image_type="cleaned"): """ Save a cleaned dicom to disk. We expose an option to save an original (change image_type to "original" to be consistent, although this is not incredibly useful given it would duplicate the original data. """ # Having clean also means has dicom image if hasattr(self, image_type): dicom_name = self._get_clean_name(output_folder) dicom = read_file(self.dicom_file, force=True) # If going from compressed, change TransferSyntax if dicom.file_meta.TransferSyntaxUID.is_compressed is True: dicom.decompress() dicom.PixelData = self.cleaned.tobytes() dicom.save_as(dicom_name) return dicom_name else: bot.warning("use detect() --> clean() before saving is possible.")
[docs]def clean_pixel_data( dicom_file, results: dict, fix_interpretation: bool = True, pixel_data_attribute: str = "PixelData", ): """ Clean a dicom file. take a dicom image and a list of pixel coordinates, and return a cleaned file (if output file is specified) or simply plot the cleaned result (if no file is specified) Parameters ========== dicom_file: (str or FileDataset instance) Dicom file to clean results: Result of the .has_burned_pixels() method fix_interpretation: fix the photometric interpretation if found off pixel_data_attribute: PixelData attribute name in the dicom file """ cleaned = None # Load in dicom file, and image data dicom = utils.load_dicom(dicom_file) pixel_data = getattr(dicom, pixel_data_attribute) # Get expected and actual length of the pixel data (bytes, expected does not include trailing null byte) expected_length = get_expected_length(dicom) actual_length = len(pixel_data) full_length = expected_length / 2 * 3 # upsampled data is a third larger full_length += 1 if full_length % 2 else 0 # trailing padding byte if even length # If we have YBR_FULL_2, must be RGB to obtain pixel data if ( not dicom.file_meta.TransferSyntaxUID.is_compressed and dicom.PhotometricInterpretation == "YBR_FULL_422" and fix_interpretation and actual_length >= full_length ): bot.warning( "Updating dicom.PhotometricInterpretation to RGB, set fix_interpretation to False to skip." ) photometric_original = dicom.PhotometricInterpretation dicom.PhotometricInterpretation = "RGB" original = dicom.pixel_array dicom.PhotometricInterpretation = photometric_original else: original = dicom.pixel_array # Compile coordinates from result, generate list of tuples with coordinate and value # keepcoordinates == 1 (included in mask) and coordinates == 0 (remove). coordinates = [] for item in results["results"]: # We iterate through coordinates in order specified in file for coordinate_set in item.get("coordinates", []): # Each is a list with [value, coordinate] mask_value, new_coordinates = coordinate_set if not isinstance(new_coordinates, list): new_coordinates = [new_coordinates] for new_coordinate in new_coordinates: # Case 1: an "all" indicates applying to entire image if new_coordinate.lower() == "all": # 2D - Greyscale Image - Shape = (X, Y) OR 3D - RGB Image - Shape = (X, Y, Channel) if len(original.shape) == 2 or ( len(original.shape) == 3 and dicom.SamplesPerPixel == 3 ): # minr, minc, maxr, maxc = [0, 0, Y, X] new_coordinate = [ 0, 0, original.shape[1], original.shape[0], ] # 4D - RGB Cine Clip - Shape = (frames, X, Y, channel) OR 3D - Greyscale Cine Clip - Shape = (frames, X, Y) if len(original.shape) == 4 or ( len(original.shape) == 3 and dicom.SamplesPerPixel == 1 ): new_coordinate = [ 0, 0, original.shape[2], original.shape[1], ] else: new_coordinate = [int(x) for x in new_coordinate.split(",")] coordinates.append( (mask_value, new_coordinate) ) # [(1, [1,2,3,4]),...(0, [1,2,3,4])] # Instead of writing directly to data, create a mask of 1s (start keeping all) # For 4D RGB Cine - (frames, X, Y, channel) or 3D Greyscale Cine - (frames, X, Y) if len(original.shape) == 4 or ( len(original.shape) == 3 and dicom.SamplesPerPixel == 1 ): mask = numpy.ones(original.shape[1:3], dtype=numpy.uint8) # For 2D Greyscale image (X, Y) or 3D RGB Image (X, Y channel) else: mask = numpy.ones(original.shape[0:2], dtype=numpy.uint8) # Here we apply the coordinates to the mask, 1==keep, 0==clean for coordinate_value, coordinate in coordinates: minr, minc, maxr, maxc = coordinate # Update the mask: values set to 0 to be black mask[minc:maxc, minr:maxr] = coordinate_value # Now apply finished mask to the data # RGB cine clip if len(original.shape) == 4: # np.tile does the copying and stacking of masks into the channel dim to produce 3D masks # transposition to convert tile output (channel, X, Y) into (X, Y, channel) # see: channel3mask = numpy.transpose(numpy.tile(mask, (3, 1, 1)), (1, 2, 0)) # use numpy.tile to copy and stack the 3D masks into 4D array to apply to 4D pixel data # tile converts (X, Y, channels) -> (frames, X, Y, channels), presumed ordering for 4D pixel data final_mask = numpy.tile(channel3mask, (original.shape[0], 1, 1, 1)) # apply final 4D mask to 4D pixel data cleaned = final_mask * original # RGB image or Greyscale cine clip elif len(original.shape) == 3: # This condition is ambiguous. If the image shape is 3, we may have a single frame RGB image: size (X, Y, channel) # or a multiframe greyscale image: size (frames, X, Y). Interrogate the SamplesPerPixel field. if dicom.SamplesPerPixel == 3: # RGB Image # Convert (X, Y) -> (X, Y, channel) final_mask = numpy.transpose( numpy.tile(mask, (original.shape[2], 1, 1)), (1, 2, 0) ) else: # Greyscale cine clip # Convert (X, Y) -> (frames, X, Y) final_mask = numpy.tile(mask, (original.shape[0], 1, 1)) # apply final 3D mask to 3D pixel data cleaned = final_mask * original # greyscale image: no need to stack into the channel dim since it doesn't exist elif len(original.shape) == 2: cleaned = mask * original else: bot.warning( "Pixel array dimension %s is not recognized." % (str(original.shape)) ) return cleaned